Agenda new
2020 | |
January | |
Friday January 31, 2020 | Beethoven – Missa Solemnis Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Ensemble Vocale Lausanne Cappella Amsterdam Daniel Reuss, conductor Cité des Congrès, Nantes |
February | |
Saturday February 1, 2020 | Beethoven – Missa Solemnis Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Ensemble Vocale Lausanne Cappella Amsterdam Daniel Reuss, conductor Cité des Congrès, Nantes |
2019 | |
October | |
Monday October 7, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor De Doelen , Rotterdam |
Wednesday October 9, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor De Singel , Antwerpen |
Thursday October 10, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Parkstad Theater, Heerlen |
Saturday October 12, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery conductor De Vereeniging, Nijmegen |
Sunday October 13, 2019 15:00 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Zuiderstrandtheater, Den Haag |
Tuesday October 15, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Concertgebouw, Amsterdam |
Wednesday October 16, 2019 19:00 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht |
Friday October 18, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Concertgebouw, Brugge |
Saturday October 19, 2019 19:30 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Concertgebouw, Brugge |
Sunday October 20, 2019 14:15 | Mozart – Don Giovanni Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Muziekcentrum Frits Philips, Eindhoven |
August | |
Monday August 19, 2019 20:00 | Chopin And His Europe Festival Bach Collegium Japan Masaaki Suzuki, conductor Tomasz Ritter, fortepiano Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall, Warsaw |
Wednesday August 21, 2019 20:00 | Chopin And His Europe Festival Bach Collegium Japan Masaaki Suzuki, conductor Akiko Ebi, fortepiano Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall, Warsaw |
Sunday August 11, 2019 15:00 | Sommerkonzert – Liebensteiner Bademusik Schwarzburgische Harmonie Schloss Altenstein , Bad Liebensein |
June | |
Friday June 28, 2019 15:00 | Chofu International Music Festival 2019 Mozart-Die Entführung aus dem Serail Bach Collegium Japan Masato Suzuki, conductor Chofu City Culture Hall, Kusunoki Hall, Chofu |
Saturday June 29, 2019 14:00 | Chofu International Music Festival 2019 Mozart-Die Entführung aus dem Serail Bach Collegium Japan Masato Suzuki, conductor Chofu City Culture Hall, Kusunoki Hall, Chofu |
Monday June 17, 2019 | The Weber recording project Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Guy van Waas, conductor Eric Hoeprich, clarinet Keizersgrachtkerk, Amsterdam |
Tuesday June 18, 2019 | The Weber recording project Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Guy van Waas, conductor Eric Hoeprich, clarinet Keizersgrachtkerk, Amsterdam |
May | |
Friday May 24, 2019 18:00 | meet: Mozart Berliner Weinbergensemble für Alte Musik Junger Chor des Weinmeisterhauses Schulchöre der Waldorfschule Werder/Havel Tobias Puls, conductor Friedenskirche Potsdam, Potsdam |
Saturday May 25, 2019 19:00 | meet: Mozart Berliner Weinbergensemble für Alte Musik Junger Chor des Weinmeisterhauses Schulchöre der Waldorfschule Werder/Havel Tobias Puls, conductor Heilig Kreuz-Kirche, Berlin-Kreuzberg |
Sunday May 26, 2019 16:00 | meet: Mozart Berliner Weinbergensemble für Alte Musik Junger Chor des Weinmeisterhauses Schulchöre der Waldorfschule Werder/Havel Tobias Puls, conductor Gesundbrunnen-Center, Berlin |
Friday May 10, 2019 19:30 | Europäische Chornacht Märkisch Barock Biederitzer Kantorei KMD Michael Scholl, conductor Kirche St. Nicolai Magdeburg, Magdeburg |
April | |
Friday April 19, 2019 15:00 and 18:00 | Mozart und Pergolesi neues barockorchester berlin Kantorei Marienfelde David Menge, conductor Dorfkirche Marienfelde, Berlin |
January | |
Sunday January 6, 2019 18:00 | Festkonert 200. Jahre Märkisch Barock Magdeburg Domchor Barry Jordan, conductor Remter in Magdeburger Dom , Magdeburg |
Thursday January 24, 2019 19:00 | Beethoven 9th Symphony Chorus & Orchestra : Bach Collegium Japan Masaaki Suzuki, conductor Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall : Takemitsu Memorial , Tokyo |
2018 | |
November | |
Saturday November 17, 2018 17:00 | Ein deutsches Requiem Telemannisches Collegium Michaelstein Ratzeburger Domchor Joachim Thomas and Christian Skobowsky, conductor Dom , Ratzeburg |
September | |
Sunday September 23, 2018 20:00 | Festival de Wallonie – Les Nuits de Septembre Liège Mozart / Gran Partita Ensemble Wolf Eglise Saint Jacques , Liège |
Friday September 28, 2018 20:00 | MusiCa Tournai Mozart / Gran Partita Ensemble Wolf Cathédrale de Tournai , Tournai |
Monday September 17, 2018 | Offenbach recording project Kölner Akademie Michael Alexander Willens, conductor Deutschlandfunk, Köln |
Tuesday September 18, 2018 | Offenbach recording project Kölner Akademie Michael Alexander Willens, conductor Deutschlandfunk, Köln |
Wednesday September 19, 2018 | Offenbach recording project Kölner Akademie Michael Alexander Willens, conductor Deutschlandfunk, Köln |
Thursday September 20, 2018 | Offenbach recording project Kölner Akademie Michael Alexander Willens, conductor Deutschlandfunk, Köln |
Saturday September 08, 2018 19:00 | Adventures in Penderecki’s Paradise Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century José Maria Florêncio Junior, conductor Eric Hoeprich, clarinet Kevin Kenner, fortepiano Elena Baeva, violin Penderecki European Center , Luslawice |
Sunday September 09, 2018 19:00 | Adventures in Penderecki’s Paradise Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century José Maria Florêncio Junior, conductor Eric Hoeprich, clarinet Kristian Bezuidenhout, fortepiano Penderecki European Center , Luslawice |
Sunday September 02, 2018 15:30 | Sommerkonzert – Liebensteiner Bademusik Schwarzburgische Harmonie Schloss Altenstein, Bad Liebensein |
August | |
Saturday August 11, 2018 11:45, 14:00 and 16:00 | Travelling in Baroque 2018 : Muziek van het hoge Noorden Kamerensemble van het orkest van de 18e eeuw Ontmoetingskerk , Creil |
July | |
Saturday July 14, 2018 20:00 | Royal Juillet Musical de Saint-Hubert Baltic Tour Les Agrémens Guy Van Waas, conductor and clarinet Kayo Nishida, clarinet Basilique de Saint-Hubert , Saint-Hubert |
June | |
Sunday June 17, 2018 18:00 | Jubiläumkonzert: 25 Jahre Vocal Concert Dresden Dresdner Instrumental-Concert Vocal Concert Dresden Peter Kopp, conductor Annenkirche , Dresden |
Tuesday June 12, 2018 20:00 | Bachfest Leipzig – Mendelssohn : Elias Bach Collegium Japan & Julliard 415 Bach Collegium Japan & Yale Voxtet, chorus Massaki Suzuki, conductor Gewandhaus, Großer Saal , Leipzig |
Friday June 8, 2018 20:00 | Festkonzert des Sächsischen Vocalensembles Mendelssohnorchester Leipzig Sächsisches Vocalensemble Matthias Jung, conductor Annenkirche , Dresden |
Friday June 1, 2018 19:30 | Die Schöpfung Märkisch Barock Biederitzer Kantorei KMD Michael Scholl, conductor Kirche St. Nicolai Magdeburg , Magdeburg |
Saturday June 2, 2018 11:00 | Die Schöpfung für Kinder Märkisch Barock Biederitzer Kantorei KMD Michael Scholl, conductor Kirche St. Nicolai Magdeburg , Magdeburg |
May | |
Sunday May 6, 2018 17:00 | Sächsisches Mozartfest – Viel Wind um Mozart Ensemble Silberklang Schloss Waldenburg, Blauer Saal , Chemnitz |
April | |
Saturday April 14, 2018 19:00 | Osterfesttage Potsdam 2018 – Mozart Requiem Neue Potsdamer Hofkapelle Nikolaichor Potsdam Capella Vocale Björn O. Wiede, conductor St. Nikolaikirche Potsdam , Potsdam |
2017 | |
December | |
Friday December 22, 2017 20:00 | Die Geburt Christi Concerto Brandenburg Motettenchor St. Johannis Joachim Vogelsänger, conductor Kirche St. Johannis, Lüneburg |
November | |
Friday November 24, 2017 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 | Schülerkonzerte Concerto Köln ZAMUS, Köln |
Sunday November 26, 2017 16:30 | Europäische Hymnen Concerto Köln Tobias Koch, fortepiano Christian Ehring, moderation Tonhalle Düsseldorf : Mendelssohn-saal, Düsseldorf |
Saturday November 18, 2017 20:00 | Vom Wunderkind zum unterblichen Genis Barockorchester L’Arco, Hannover Collegium Cantorum Holzminden Motettenchor Paderborn Wofgang Tiemann, conductor Stadthalle Holzminden, Holzminden |
Saturday November 4, 2017 19:30 | Theresienmesse : Joseph Haydn Chorus & Orchestra : Capella sacra Cyrill Pallaud, conductor Musikalische Grandezza im Podium, Düdingen |
October | |
Sunday October 29, 2017 18:00 | Harmonienmesse : J. Haydn Refoemationssinfonie : Mendelssohn Klassikorchester Camerata Allegra Herzberger Kantorei Musigemeinde Osterode Jörg Ehrenfeuchter, conductor Schlosskirche St. Jacobi, Osterode |
Sunday October 15, 2017 17:00 | Requiem (Mozart) Chorus & Orchestra : Capella sacra Cyrill Pallaud, conductor église St-Léger, Blotzheim |
September | |
Saturday September 23, 2017 18:00 | Die Schöpfung : Joseph Haydn Telemannisches Collegium Michaelstein Ratzeburger Domchor Christian Skobowsky, conductor Dom, Ratzeburg |
Saturday September 16, 2017 15:00 and 19:00 | Beethoven 6. Symphonie Das Neue Orchester Christoph Spering, conductor Konzerthaus Blaibach, Blaibach |
Sunday September 17, 2017 11:00 | Beethoven 6. Symphonie Das Neue Orchester Christoph Spering, conductor Konzerthaus Blaibach, Blaibach |
August | |
Saturday August 26, 2017 17:00 | Chopin Festival in Warsaw Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Teunis van der Zwart, horn Albert Brüggen, cello Eric Hoeprich, clarinet Howard Shelley, fortepiano Concert Hall of Polish Radio, Warsaw |
Sunday August 20, 2017 17:00 | Festival de l’Eté Mosan Mozart / Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Freme du Sanglier, Hemptinne(Fermelmont) |
Thursday August 17, 2017 19:00 | La Serata Camillo Klavier mit Bläsern Capell und Taffel-Music Marcolinihaus, Moritzburg |
May | |
Thursday May 18, 2017 | CD recording The New Dutch Academy Simon Murphy, conductor and viola Gudrun Sidonie Otto, Soprano Raad van State, Den Haag |
March | |
Sunday March 26, 2017 19:00 | Sinfonie Nr.1 in G-Dur : C.P.E.Bach Requiem : Mozart Bremer Barockorchester VOX Vocalensemble an St. Remberti Rolf Quandt, conductor Kirche der Andreas-Gemeinde, Bremen |
Wednesday March, 08 2017 19:30 | Hymnes européens Concerto Köln Gianluca Capuano, conductor Tobias Koch, fortepiano Maison de la Culture MC2, Grenoble |
Friday March 10, 2017 20:30 | Hymnes européens Concerto Köln Gianluca Capuano, conductor Tobias Koch, fortepiano Le Volcan Niemeyer : Grande salle, Grenoble |
2016 | |
November | |
Friday November 25, 2016 20:15 | Oude Muziek Nieuw La più bella La Banda Ariosa Mariana Pimenta, soprano Mattias Pavlous, countertenor Dorpskerk, Voorschoten |
Saturday November 19, 2016 20:15 | Mozart : Requiem The Northern Consort Kamerkoor Dualis Geert-Jan van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen, conductor Sint-Jozefkathedraal, Groningen |
Sunday November 20, 2016 15:00 | Mozart : Requiem The Northern Consort Kamerkoor Dualis Geert-Jan van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen, conductor Nicolaikerk, Appingedam |
Friday November 11, 2016 21:50 | Oud nieuws The Royal Windplayers Concertgebouw : Concertzaal scène, Brugge |
Saturday November 05, 2016 19:30 | Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr zu dir : J.S.Bach Der 114. Psalm und Der 42. Psalm : Mendelssohn Märkisch Barock Biederitzer Kantorei KMD Michael Scholl, conductor Pauluskirche , Magdeburg |
Tuesday November 01, 2016 19:00 | Requiem : Mozart Barockorchester Natascha Lenhartz Niederrheinischer Kammerchor Lucius Rühl, conductor St. Martini, Wesel |
October | |
Friday October 28, 2016 20:00 | Mozart / Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Concervatoire Balthasar-Florence, Namur |
Saturday October 22, 2016 20:00 | Cello Biёnnale Amsterdam Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Shunske Sato, violin Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello Albert Brüggen, cello Jérôme Pernoo, cello Rainer Zipperling, cello Emmanuel Balssa, cello Lidewij Scheifes, cello Bullekerk, Zaandam |
Sunday October 23, 2016 20:15 | Cello Biёnnale Amsterdam Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Shunske Sato, violin Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello Albert Brüggen, cello Jérôme Pernoo, cello Rainer Zipperling, cello Emmanuel Balssa, cello Lidewij Scheifes, cello Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam |
September | |
Sunday September 25, 2016 17:00 | Festkonzert zum 50-Jährigen Jubiläum Die Schöpfung Berkelbarock-orchester Madrigalchor E.V. Projektchor Eva Maria Gröner, conductor Pfarrkirche St. Georg, Vreden |
Saturday September 3, 2016 14:00 | Fringeconcert Café 1800 Stadskasteel Oudaen, Utrecht |
Sunday September 4, 2016 11:00 | Fringeconcert Café 1800 Polman’s huis : Zuilenzaal, Utrecht |
August | |
Friday August 12, 2016 14:00 | MA festival Brugge Café 1800 Provinciaal Hof, Brugge |
July | |
Saturday July 23, 2016 20:00 | Festival de Wallonie Mozart / Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Eglise Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel, Libin |
Sunday July 24, 2016 11:00 | Gentsche Festspiele Mozart / Adagio and Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Miryzaal Conservatorium : Miry concertzaal, Gent |
Thursday July 14, 2016 21:00 | Corteza de Encina Exquisito Ensemble Castillo de los Templarios, Ponderrada |
June | |
Saturday June 25, 2016 16:00 | Holland Festival Exquisito Ensemble Het Concertgebouw : Dirigentenfoyer, Amsterdam |
May | |
Saturday May 14, 2016 20:00 | Epi Festival Mozart / Adagio and Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Eglise de l’Epiphanie, Schaerbeek |
Sunday May 15, 2016 14:30 | Mozart / Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Abbaye de Val Dieu : Salle de la grande hôtellerie, Aubel |
Monday May 16, 2016 18:00 | Mozart / Gran Partita Wolf Ensemble Eglise de Longueville, Longueville |
Friday May 1, 2016 15:00 | Mozart Double Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century John Butt, conductor Kristian Bezuidenhout, fortepiano Petra Somlai, fortepiano Bat van Oort, fortepiano TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht |
April | |
Thursday April 29, 2016 16:00 and 20:15 | Mozart Double Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century John Butt, conductor Kristian Bezuidenhout, fortepiano Petra Somlai, fortepiano Bat van Oort, fortepiano Arnold Schoenbergzaal, Den Haag |
Saturday April 30, 2016 20:00 | Mozart Double Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century John Butt, conductor Kristian Bezuidenhout, fortepiano Olga Pashchenko, fortepiano Bat van Oort, fortepiano Orpheus, Apeldoorn |
March | |
Monday March 21, 2016 16:00, 16:30 and 17:00 | Amsterdam Early Music Day Café 1800 Splendor : Small Hall, Amsterdam |
February | |
Thursday February 18, 2016 20:30 | Tour 129 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Isabelle Faust, musical leader & violin Salle Gaveau, Paris |
Friday February 19, 2016 19:30 | Tour 129 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Isabelle Faust, musical leader & violin Tonhalle, Zürich |
January | |
Saturday January 16, 2016 20:15 | Don Giovanni, 1815 BarokOpera Amsterdam Frédérique Chauvet, conductor & flute Schouwburg Haarlem, Haarlem |
Sunday January 17, 2016 20:15 | Don Giovanni, 1815 BarokOpera Amsterdam Frédérique Chauvet, conductor & flute Parkstadlimburgstheaters Heerlen, Heerlen |
Wednesday January 20, 2016 20:15 | Don Giovanni, 1815 BarokOpera Amsterdam Frédérique Chauvet, conductor & flute Leidse schouwburg, Leiden |
Friday January 22, 2016 20:00 | Don Giovanni, 1815 BarokOpera Amsterdam Frédérique Chauvet, conductor & flute Schouwburg Utrecht, Utrecht |
Saturday January 23, 2016 20:00 | Don Giovanni, 1815 BarokOpera Amsterdam Frédérique Chauvet, conductor & flute Odeon Zwolle, Zwolle |
Monday January 25, 2016 20:15 | Don Giovanni, 1815 BarokOpera Amsterdam Frédérique Chauvet, conductor & flute Schouwburg Groningen, Groningen |
2015 | |
December | |
Monday December 7, 2015 19:00 | Lecture-Recital Repertoire for a Swedish Bassoon Virtuoso Donna Agrell Waalsekerk, Leiden |
November | |
Thursday November 26, 2015 | Rossini recording Armonia Atenea Georg Petrou, conductor Fagioli Franco, countertenor Megaron, Athens |
Sunday November 22, 2015 17:00 | Requiem Telemannisches Collegium Michaelstein Ratzeburger Domchor Christian Skobowsky, conductor Dom, Ratzeburg |
Saturday November 7, 2015 19:30 | Mozart : Vesperae solennes de Confessore Schubert : Messe Es-Dur Cammermusik Potsdam Biederitzer Kantorei Kantor Michael Scholl, conductor Pauluskirche Magdeburg, Magdeburg |
October | |
Saturday October 24, 2015 14:00 | Exquisito Ensemble Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam |
Monday October 5, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor De Doelen, Rotterdam |
Tuesday October 6, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Cultuurcentrum, Hasselt |
Thursday October 8, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor De Oosterpoort, Groningen |
Friday October 9, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor De Vereeniging, Nijmegen |
Sunday October 11, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Zuiderstrandtheater, Den Haag |
Tuesday October 13, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Musis Sacrum, Arnhem |
Wednesday October 14, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Concertgebouw, Amsterdam |
Friday October 16, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Parkstad Theater, Heerlen |
Saturday October 17, 2015 19:30 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht |
Sunday October 18, 2015 14:15 | Le Nozze di Figaro Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Cappella Amsterdam Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Muziekgebouw Frits Philips, Eindhoven |
September | |
Friday September 11, 2015 20:30 | Voorwaarts, mars! Apollo Ensemble Witte Kerk, Heiloo |
Saturday September 12, 2015 13:00 | Voorwaarts, mars! Quality Time Concert Apollo Ensemble Hofzaal Warmonderhof, Dronten |
Saturday September 12, 2015 20:15 | Voorwaarts, mars! Apollo Ensemble Oud-katholieke kerk, Hilversum |
Sunday September 13, 2015 15:00 | Voorwaarts, mars! Quality Time Concert Apollo Ensemble Nutshuis, Den Haag |
June | |
Friday June 19, 2015 20:00 | Tour 126, Korea Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Ilse Eerens, soprano Frank de Bruine, oboe Goyang Aramnuri Aram Concert Hall, Goyang |
Saturday June 20, 2015 20:00 | Tour 126, Korea Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Ilse Eerens, soprano Seoul Arts Center, Seoul |
Sunday June 21, 2015 17:00 | Tour 126, Korea Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century Kenneth Montgomery, conductor Ilse Eerens, soprano Albert Brüggen, cello Daejeon Arts Center, Daejeon |
Thursday June 11, 2015 20:15 | Oude Muziek Nieuw Auf die Harmonie gesetzt L’Harmonie Nouvelle Rusthof, Den Haag |
March | |
Thursday March 19, 2015 15:30 | Concert Café 1800 Maison Gaspard, Den Haag |
Sunday March 1, 2015 16:00 | Elias Cammermusik Potsdam Junge Kantorei Hermannswerder Camerata Vocale Potsdam Chöre des Ev. Gymnasium Potsdam-Hermannswerder Matthias Salge, conductor Inselkirche Hermannswerder, Potsdam |
January | |
Friday January 23, 2015 14:00 | Chamber treasures Thalia Ensemble Molenaarswoning, Zaandijk |
Saturday January 24, 2015 12:30 | Chamber treasures Thalia Ensemble Podium Azijnfabriek, Den Bosch |
Saturday January 17, 2015 15:00 | Mozart project Orchestra Libera Classica Hidemi Suzuki, conductor Izumi Hall, Osaka |